Managing Your Child's Worries when Moving Home

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Moving home can be very stressful, especially for a child. As a parent, it is your responsibility to help your child to work through this stress. The less worried your children are, the easier the moving process will be for you. This guide will help you to alleviate your children's worries, turning the move into a fun and exciting new experience.


Some people place a great deal of value on maintaining their routine; When moving home, you may be forced to break this routine. In general, any significant change a person has to go through in their life can bring with it a fear of the unknown. Moving house is such a change and may make you feel a sense of crisis. However, just because it can doesn't mean it has to!

A crisis by definition is a new and unfamiliar situation that a person finds themself in and does not have the right tools to deal with; A situation in which there are questions and doubts and there are no answers to them. The obvious solution to this is to arm yourself with the knowledge of how to move home. This will give you the tools needed to solve any of the issues that you may have during the process.

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It is important that you maintain a positive mindset throughout the move. Telling yourself that the worst will happen will just put you on edge, increasing the risk of mistakes.

Setting an example

Now that you have gotten yourself mentally prepared for the move, it is time to set an example for your children. Children look to their parents for comfort and safety. Because of this, how you are seen to feel about the move will directly affect how your child feels about the move. The more you demonstrate a positive outlook on the move, the better your child will feel about the move. Even if you have plenty of doubts and worries about the move, it is important that you don't show it in front of your children.

Listening and Patience

Do not ignore the fears and objections that your children express; Listen to them with patience and empathy. The worst thing that you can do is to openly dismiss these feelings. Even if you understand why the move is necessary, it doesn't mean that they do. Because of this, it is important that you communicate these reasons to them clearly in a way that they can understand.

Familiarity with the new environment

Anticipate any concerns that your child may have and prepare an answer or solution in advance. It may be good to show your child where you are going to move, driving past the home and looking into the school together. This will demystify the move by allowing them to familiarise themselves with the new area. As most of the struggle with moving is the fear of the unknown, this should ease their worries, if only by a little bit.

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