Preparing a Schedule before Moving Home

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Moving house is a complex multi-task project; As with any project, if you prepare for it, it shouldn't be difficult. The secret lies in detailed organisation and scheduling. This is a guide to creating a schedule for moving home. There is nothing more satisfying than making a difficult task trivial.

A month and a half before moving

Order and purchase packing equipment - Before you start packing, you must order any packing equipment you need. This should include: boxes; packing paper; bubble wrap; masking tape; and thick markers.

Prepare a packing schedule - Write down which items you can start packing soon, what should be packed in few weeks, and what should be left until the last minute. You will not believe how much it streamlines the packing process.

Take measurements of the new apartment - If possible, you should take important measurements in the new apartment. Ideally, you will want to know the measurements of anywhere that large furniture will pass through or be placed. This ensures in advance that the furniture can fit and whether to not you will need a crane.

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One month before

Packing - At this stage, you can pack anything that you don't use daily.

Book utility companies - Contact any utility companies to set up everything that isn't yet done. If you have the key to the new home and are allowed on the property, order these services as soon as possible. You will appreciate moving into the new home with everything already set up.

Arrange days off at your place of work - You will need to notify your employer of any days off that you need to complete the move. This will give you peace of mind that you will be available on the day of the move. Depending on your employer's policy, you may need to notify them earlier.

A week before

Final packing - As well as continuing according to your packing schedule, it is recommended to prepare a bag for each member of the household. This should include anything that you need available to you during the move and before unpacking.

Check bookings - Call any companies that you have booked, including the moving company, to make sure that the details they have are all correct. This will significantly reduce the risk of any unexpected problems on the day.

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